
Economic Data

Advance Data Release Calendar

  • Advance Data Release Calendar – Central Bank of Kenya

Real Sector

  • Gross Domestic Product at current prices
  • Gross Domestic Product at constant 2005 prices
  • Manufacturing Production Index
  • Leading Business Cycle Indicators
  • Labour Market: Employment
  • Labour Market: Unemployment
  • Price Indexes

Fiscal Sector

  • General Government Operations
  • National Government Operations – Central Bank of Kenya
  • National Government Operations – National Treasury
  • Domestic Government Debt
  • Foreign Government Debt
  • National Government Debt Service Cost Projections

Financial Sector

  • Analytical Accounts of the Banking Sector
  • Analytical Accounts of the Central Bank of Kenya
  • Interest rates
  • Adequacy ratios
  • G20 Financial Soundness Indicators

External Sector

  • Kenya’s Balance of Payments
  • Export and Imports of Selected Goods
  • International Investment Position
  • External Debt/ Outstanding and Issuance
  • Amortisation Schedule of External Debt